Intercultural worker, International Missions Church PRF 9227 please mention if interested

Contribution to Strategy: In line with our desire to share the gospel with those who have not heard, this is a opportunity to work with churches seeking to share the Gospel to the flood of migrants and refugees.

Ministry: CD- Discipleship/Spiritual Growth

Responsibilities: These migrants/refugees and asylum seekers come from various middle eastern countries such as Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afganistan, Pakistan and others. Be a friend to migrants/refugees and asylum seekers as they are very keen to make friends with westerners and learn German. People with Arabic, Farsi or Dari language skills are urgently needed. Most of these migrants come out of very traumatic situations. Workers need to be sensitive and be able to show empathy and care.


Note: The former East Germany is officially one of the least religious places on the planet, with more than half of the people living there saying they do not believe in God. A study by social scientists at the University of Chicago showed that in the former East Germany, 12 percent of those over 68 said they believed in God , while not a single one under-28-year-old said they did.

Informations complémentaires

  • Compétences linguistiques : Competent English with a good understanding of German. (any Farsi, Arabic, Armenian would be an advantage)
  • Exigences : irst degree required. Required training: Some basic evangelism training and some understanding of how to share the gospel with Muslim people. A sensitivity orientation on trauma counceling. Ability to preach. Recommended Experience: Some evang
  • Age minimum : 20
  • Frais : CHF Ask SIM CH / mensuel
  • Financement : support group required

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